Thursday, November 15, 2007


When someone hears the word, “judgment”, they sometimes understand it as the word, “condemnation.” In other words, the definition of the word, “condemnation” is applied to the word, “judgment” in the mind of some.

The Day of Judgment is when the deeds, attitudes, thoughts, and words of all people will be judged (evaluated) and exposed for what they are.

In a court of law, there are several stages to a trial. There is the presentation of the case, at which time, the evidence is reviewed and witnesses are brought forward to testify. The judge hears the case and makes a judgment. His judgment leads to a verdict. After judgment and verdict come sentencing or punishment.

So, in this case, judgment is the process by which a verdict is reached. For believers, the verdict is one of “no condemnation” for Jesus had the penalty for sin poured out on Him. (Romans 8:1) For unbelievers the verdict comes back “condemned”. (John 3:17-18)

So, we see that judgment is not another word for condemnation but could result in condemnation.
When someone is on trial, the Day of Judgment can be a good thing if that day produces a “not guilty” verdict!

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