This image comes from WebMD and depicts what a human being looks like at 8 weeks of development. Notice that the arms and legs are formed and eyelids and ears are forming. Statistics indicate that the majority of abortions happen within the first trimester (first 12 weeks) of pregnancy. It generally takes 2-6 weeks for a woman to suspect that she is pregnant.
The Mayo Clinic describes the development this way:
Week 8: Movement begins
Eight weeks into your pregnancy, your baby's arms and legs are growing longer, and fingers have begun to form. The shell-shaped parts of your baby's ears also are forming, and your baby's eyes and nipples are visible. The upper lip and nose have formed. The trunk of your baby's body is beginning to straighten.
Your baby may begin to move this week, but you won't be able to feel it yet.
By the end of this week, your baby may be about 1/2 inch (11 to 14 millimeters) long.
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