Leviticus describes two goats that play a role in the “Day of Atonement.” In this book, Aaron, the High Priest would lay both hands on one of the animals, placing the sins of all Israel on its head. Then the animal would be led out of the camp and into the wilderness. In this way, the goat symbolically bears the sins of the people in their place and is separated from them.
The other goat is slaughtered and its blood is taken behind the curtain of the Most Holy Place and sprinkled on the atonement cover of the ark of the covenant.
So, what does this have to do with atonement?
Glad you asked.
The reason for what happens to the goats is to provide atonement. The word, atone means to make amends (when something is mended it is made whole or one) for a wrong; this action makes the situation whole again or at one. In our case, we are under judgment from God for our wrongdoing and are not at one with Him. If atonement (at one ment) is successful, the relationship is restored, made whole, at one.
Because all people sin and are themselves sinners, God’s justice demands a penalty be paid. Luckily, a scapegoat has been provided to take our blame. That scapegoat is represented in Jesus. The death of Jesus satisfies both God’s justice and His love in that sin gets punished and the people He loves get forgiven.
There have been many people over history (Ghandi, Buddha, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, etc.) who have spoken of and taught ways to live better lives, ways to treat others properly in society, and even ways to achieve fulfillment and happiness in this life. The one thing these people can't do is pay the debt that you owe (make atonement) for your own sin. You need a scapegoat that can bear your blame and suffer in your place. Only Jesus can do that. Only Jesus has done that. If you don’t accept the forgiveness that Jesus offers, you don’t get forgiven. It’s that simple.
Definition of Scapegoat: One that bears the blame for others; a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
Definition of Atonement: Compensation for a wrong; something done to make amends for wrongdoing, Amends or reparation made for an injury or wrong; expiation.
Have your sins been placed on the head of Jesus?
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