Monday, January 14, 2008

Luke 3 Bible Study

Luke 3

Get Started:

1. What do the following songs all have in common? Error Of Our Ways, Just My Imagination, Can I Get A Witness, My Girl.
  • All these songs are done by the Temptations.
Go Deeper:

2. Read Luke 3:21-22. Why was Jesus baptized? Is baptism commanded for Christians, or is it more of a suggestion or good idea? What Bible passages help answer these questions?
  • Matthew 3:13-15
  • Acts 2:38-39
  • Matthew 28:19-20
3. What Bible passages describe the symbolism of baptism?
  • Colossians 2:11-12
  • Romans 6:3-4
4. After Jesus was baptized, He was led into the desert, “full of the Holy Spirit.” Who led Him into the desert? What does James 1:13 teach about temptation? Based on these two passages, what do you think it means in the Lord’s Prayer when it says, “lead us not into temptation?”
  • Notice that the Spirit led Jesus in the desert but it is the devil that did the tempting.
  • God does not tempt us but I think He does test us. These tests are not meant to tell God something about us that He doesn’t know, but to tell us something about God that we may not know.
  • Based on these two passages, what do you think it means in the Lord’s Prayer when it says, “lead us not into temptation?” If I put it another way, I might say; “God, please don’t lead me into a time of testing, for I fear I may fail.”
5. Read Luke 4:6. Is what the devil says in that verse true? What Bible passages provide insight into this question?
  • 1John 5:19
  • John 12:31
  • Ephesians 2:1-2
6. In Luke 4:12 it says not to put the Lord your God to the test. What is the difference between trusting and testing God?

7. When do you think the “opportune time” of verse 13 was?
  • Matthew 16:23
  • John 14:30
  • Luke 22:3
8. Over and over, Jesus quotes the Bible in response to the temptations of the devil. In Luke 4:10, the devil quotes the Bible to Jesus. What Bible verse is being quoted by the devil? Is his quote accurate? Is his use of this verse acceptable? Why or why not?
  • Scroll down to the next post for thoughts on this question.
9. If you know that you are particularly “at risk” for certain temptations, what kind of plan or strategy do you have in place to overcome them? Share some “overcoming” insights with your group.

Making The Connection:

1) If there’s ever a good time to be tempted by the devil, it’s when you are “full of the Holy Spirit.” Pray in community for a fresh filling of the Spirit.

Quote Of The Week
I have more trouble with D. L. Moody than any other man I know.
--D. L. Moody

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    I used the Blog to get my leaders guide, I hope this is the start of very Blogful relationship.

    Scott W.
